Our community has the resources and the responsibility to respond to families in need and to assist them to become self-sufficient.
Miss Annie Grogan
Grogan Society Membership
Become a member of The Grogan Society today and help expand our community’s efforts to strengthen the most vulnerable children and families and our community.
Grogan Society Giving Levels
$10,000 or more annually
Catalyst’s Circle
$7,500–$9,999 annually
$5,000–$7,499 annually
$2,500–$4,999 annually
$1,000–$2,499 annually
Grogan Society
You can make your gift online, or send a check, made payable to Family Services, 1200 S. Broad Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101. For more information, contact Michelle Speas, Chief Operating Officer & Executive Director of the Family Services Foundation at 336.722.8173.
(336) 722-8173